Hi Guys!
Another rainy miserable Saturday! I have just been out and bought a very nice sturdy set of scales so that I can start weighing these parcels myself as I wrap them - you can only send up to 5kg in weight to Africa through the post office and it is murder if you go to all the trouble of packing something just to find it is too heavy once you get there! This way I can check the weight before I seal the package and we will be sorted (I can also work out how much it will be to make sure we have enough postage money too!).
I was in Kirkcaldy this morning and bought a lovely cat mug and some lavendar scented tealights for my secret pal - she loves cats and her favourite scents are things like lavendar and flowers so hopefully she will like these! I also got a lovely card with cats on it so I can send her a nice message - secret pal is great fun :0) Apparently I wasn't the only one who was given someone who lives close by - one of our members has left a post saying it has happened to her as well. The SP hostess says she doesn't know the geography of the uk as she has only ever been out of the states once and that was just to go to Canada. It might be quite nice to have someone close enought to meet up with after the reveal though - could end up making a new friend! :0) We still don't know who will be spoiling us yet so it may be that they come from far away - mmmm exciting!
I am half way through the prem baby blanket I have been making - it is the first time I have made one on the diagonal like that and it is quite fun to do - we will see how it looks when it is done.
I will post a photo of our Cheeky Gorilla on here next week - we are doing a guess his birthday contest at £1 a guess and the ladies in the post office here have put him on the counter to get people to buy guesses. If any of you members would like the chance to win him and help out with the postage fund at the same time then send your £1's to me at Loving Hands Charity Knitting Group, 18 Clentry Crescent, Kelty, Fife. KY4 0LG.
Also here is a message from our lovely Ann on the Isle of Man - she found a contest where an Australian charity knitting group are trying to win a $5,000 prize - it needs people to vote for them to win - I have been going on to both the sites Ann mentions and putting on 20 votes on each site every day - it doesn't take long and it is helping a fellow group to raise much needed funds! If any of you can help give it a go - every vote will help them!
Hi, there is a charity knitting group in Australia that is in a final in a competition to win lots of money if they get enough votes, you can vote up to 20 times a day, though sometimes error messages come up , just have to be patient, pass it on to any of your group that have internet please, must raise the profile of charity knitting.
There are 2 sites -- you can vote from either (or both)
http://www.femail. com.au/cash- grant-finalists. htm
http://www.girl. com.au/cash- grant-finalists. htm
scroll right to the bottom of the page and vote for Knitting for Brisbanes Needy. According to the blurb you are allowed 20 votes per day ---- sometimes you get more, sometimes less. Oh, and put your CAPS lock on!!
Fingers crossed for our Australian colleagues - it's all good if you Give with Love! :0)
Talk to you all soon - shopping, washing, floor scrubbing and then some more knitting till tea time I think!
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I have been emailing you....I don;t know why it hasn't gotten to you. You do have a replacement pal, and my emails to you have said that she was on a business trip until today. I am sure she will contact you asap!
Got her now Jenn - thanks! Wonder where your e-mails went??? I got the one you sent me earlier tonight advising that you had sent the others and my new pal would be in touch soon - hey presto - about half an hour later there she was!
Do tej pory pozostawanie w wolnym od stalych zwiazkow z partnerem, wielu samotnym osobom przestalo sie juz podobac. Coraz wiecej osob poszukuje odpowiedniego i stalego partnera na spedzenie z nim zycia.
Coraz wiecej osob poszukuje odpowiedniego i stalego partnera na spedzenie z nim zycia. Dla osob ceniacych sobie dotad samotnoc i indywidualnoc , bardzo trudno odnalezc odpowiednia osobe, ktora spelni postawione oczekiwania. Niektorzy, po samotnych poszukiwaniach decyduja sie na skorzystanie pomocy fachowcow w doborze idealnych partnerow. Matrymonialne randki w Krakowie organizuje wiele biur profesjonalnie zajmujacych sie kojarzeniem ludzi w [url=http://www.mojprofil.eu]pary[/url] .
Ich fachowe uslugi pomogly juz bardzo wielu parom rozpoczac zycie w nowym i zarazem udanym zwiazku. Samotne poszukiwania partnera zazwyczaj kocza sie niepowodzeniem. Biura matrymonialne oferuja zorganizowanie [url=http://www.mojprofil.eu]randki[/url] w Krakowie pomiedzy dopasowanymi do siebie osobami na podstawie analizy wstepnie zlozonych ofert oraz w oparciu o oczekiwania wobec poszukiwanych partnerow. Fachowcy pomagaja odpowiednio dobierac partnerow zarowno pod wzgledem wieku jak i ich osobowoci. Oferty skladane w biurach matrymonialnych dotycza rowniez organizowanych pomiedzy obcokrajowcami [url=http://www.mojprofil.eu]randek[/url] w Krakowie.
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hi every person,
I identified charityknitters.blogspot.com after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.
I am from Spain so please forgave my speaking english[url=http://beinspiringthoughts.info/bookmarks].[/url][url=http://behindthescenesng.info/].[/url][url=http://inspiringthoughtsgi.info/forum].[/url]
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